Alia Bhatt’s simple beauty hacks

Beauty trends come and go. With the ever shifting landscape of social media, it seems that trends are here one moment and gone the next gracing our lives for microseconds and then bowing out. Regurgitating again in a few months like an old itch that just won’t go away.

Ever changing beauty trends

In an age of such trends, Alia Bhatt keeps it simple and guides us through a sure thing - a no make up makeup routine, which heavily leans on your natural beauty rather than makeup products and leaves you with an enhanced sense of self appearance rather than dysmorphia

Alia keeps it simple

Cleansing balms are alcohol free makeup removers that clean your face very gently and require you to massage it into your face versus an alcohol based makeup remover and wipes which damage the skin barrier. Alia’s choice? Always pick the balm

Cleansing Balm to remove makeup and impurities

The first thing Alia Bhatt does to wake herself up in the morning is to give her face an ice water bath. Icing, as the method is called, helps in depuffing the face and gives a fresh and rejuvenated appearance.

Icing to depuff

Come hell or high water, do not skip your sunscreen. Sunscreens can drastically reduce the rate of aging and also protect your skin from cancer causing UV rays. It’s 2023, if you still raw dog your day without sunscreen it might be high time to consider otherwise.

​Sunscreen is essential

Sleep is the most important hack of all to ensure proper rejuvenation. Sleep aids in quicker healing processes and is essential if you want to look your best.

They aren’t lying about Beauty Sleep

Alia Bhatt tops off her liquid blush with a fine dusting of powder blush to enhance the pop of color and locking the makeup in place. There is simply no lift and no shift.

Liquid + Powder Makeup locked in place