The Finance Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman delivered the Union Budget of India 2023 on 1st February 2023 for the fifth consecutive year. Nirmala Sitharaman made history when she delivered the 2021 Union Budget of India as it was the longest Budget Speech 2 hours and 40 Minutes made by any Finance Minister in India while presenting the Budget. Let us find out more about … [Read more...] about Nirmala Sitharaman (Minister of Finance of India) Biography
Rajya Sabha
Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi (Politician) Biography
Politician Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi hails from India. As the National Spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party, Dr. Trivedi is a parliamentarian from the Upper House of the Rajya Sabha and a leader of the party. He held professor positions in the mechanical engineering department at a few Indian universities, including Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramoday Vishwavidyalaya, after … [Read more...] about Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi (Politician) Biography