While filming his upcoming movie, Project K, in Hyderabad, actor Amitabh Bachchan had a mishap. Amitabh claimed on his blog on Sunday that he had injured himself while doing an action shot. "Rib cartilage popped broke and there was a muscle tear to the right rib cage," he wrote.The actor continued, saying that the filming was called off and that, following medical advice, he … [Read more...] about Amitabh Bachchan (Actor & Former Member of the Lok Sabha) Biography
Shah Rukh Khan (Indian Actor And Film Producer) Biography
Actor Shah Rukh Khan, better known by his stage name SRK, is a well-known figure in Bollywood cinema. He goes by the moniker "Baadshah of Bollywood." November 2, 1965, is the day of his birth. Taj Mohammad Khan and Lateef Fatheema Khan are his parents. As a young artist, he started his career in the late 1980s in the television series Circus, which offered him numerous … [Read more...] about Shah Rukh Khan (Indian Actor And Film Producer) Biography
Elvish Yadav (Indian YouTuber) Biography
Elvish Yadav is a social media influencer and YouTuber from India. YouTube has helped it become incredibly popular and popular with fans. Elvish makes comical and humorous videos, which he posts on YouTube. Yadav posts vlogs on his personal life on his channel, Elvish Yadav Vlogs. even after starting the TikTok VS YouTube controversy, he got enormous renown.Later on, the … [Read more...] about Elvish Yadav (Indian YouTuber) Biography
Isha Ambani (Internet Personality) Biography
Isha Ambani is a businesswoman. Working for Reliance Retail is Isha Ambani. Born on October 23, 1991, is Isha Ambani. As of 2022, Isha Ambani is 31 years old. Isha Ambani stands 5.3 feet tall. Isha Ambani's horoscope sign is Librais. Mumbai is the birthplace of Isha Ambani.An accomplished businesswoman from India, Isha Ambani is related to the Ambani family. She is the daughter … [Read more...] about Isha Ambani (Internet Personality) Biography
Ranveer Singh (Indian Actor) Biography
Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh Bhavnani, better known by his stage as Ranveer Singh, is a veteran of over 20 films. He has spent the previous ten years as one of Bollywood's most well-liked and prosperous actors. Ranveer Singh is renowned for his remarkable character changes in films, and both critics and fans consistently praise his work. We shall go into further information … [Read more...] about Ranveer Singh (Indian Actor) Biography